Thursday, December 17, 2015

Summary of I HAVE A DREAM : Martin Luther King, Jr




Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr-known for his policy of passive resistant and oratorical skills, a leader of black people and campaigner of civil rights-delivered the speech “I have a dream” on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. King states that Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation frees the slaves announced on 22 September 1862, American Constitution drew up in 1787 preserving of individual and federal states’ rights and Declaration of Independence based on unalienable rights; Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness issued on 4 July 1776 were limited on the paper but the implementation was strictly beyond from the people and nation. So King assists his views to provide freedom and equality to black peoples and eliminate the racial injustice by developing the sense of brother hood and sister hood and unity among black and white.

King questions on the implementation of written rights stating that Negros are still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and chains of discrimination. They are neglected and are in exile in their own land. For freedom and equality, until the Negros is granted their citizenship rights, they will continue their non-violence revolution. In the response, they must forever conduct their struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline and allow their creative protest to degenerate in to physical force with soul force. Their action should not cause any distrust in among the white people because their destiny is tied up with the destiny of the white. So they should develop the sense of our.

The black people will be satisfied when they are not oppressed by the police brutality guided by white. When they are tired they must get lodging in the Motels and Hotels. They should be allowed to go where the whites go and get the rights to vote with the sense of why they are voting. King reinforces the people to keep the fighting until they get justice and they are created equal. His dream is deeply rooted in the American dream which gives the priority on material prosperity. It is a dream of freedom and equality, Justice and security, and dream of the land where the content of character is more important than color of skin. All the racists will no longer believe in color. The black and the whites will work together, eat together and they will be brothers and sisters. All the differences will disappear. There will be a sweet music of liberty which will be common of the Americans guided/inspired by Negros spirit resounding all over the country. At last they will all be free.

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