Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Summary of Where the Mind is Without Fear ( Tagore )

UNIT-13 Life and Death

Flax-Golden Tales

Where The Mind is Without Fear

Rabindranath Tagore , India (1961- 1941)

For : BA / BBS First Year

Literal Comprehension:
The poet imagines the perfect heaven . There people feel no fear and they are equally respected and they can walk raising their heads. There people can get knowledge freely without any disturbances . The world there is no divided in to smaller countries by any kind on narrow border line. People there will speak the truth and work untiringly until they get perfection . There superstition and tradition do not block the region and people always come to the logical conclusion. In such a world of freedom the poet wants god to wake up all his countrymen .

This poem might be trying to tell us the value of reason, knowledge , freedom, universality and honesty. The poet may be trying to create some kind of utopia , that is , an ideal and perfect place where everyone lives in harmony and everything is for the best .

Critical Thinking :
This is a prose poem . It is read like a conversation. The poet is talking to the almighty father . It may sound idealistic but it is the poet who can imagine a batter world. This king of should our target. We should try to reach it as closely as possible .

Assimilation :
This poem has thought be to live a fearless life . It has also inspired me to live a batter life . It has made me forget my present unhappy condition and imagine a utopian world .

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