Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Summary of Yudhisthira ’s Wishdom (India , adapted by Rao )

Flax-Golden Tales | Unit 2: Ancient Tales

Yudhishthira’ s Wisdom

Four Levels of Interactions with Text

For : BA / BBS First Year

Source : The Mahabharata ( Shanta R. Rao ’ s adaptation)

Literal Comprehension :
Once in the exiled period five Pandav brothers grew thirty while running after a deer in the forest of Yaksha. In the hot weather they were tired and thirsty Yudisthira sent his youngest brother Sahadeva in search of water . He came across a beautiful pond and ready to drink water hurriedly . Some voice stopped him from drinking until he could have given his questions’ answers. Thinking it might be fancy he drank water . He sooner got fainted. Similarly , Nakula, Bhima and Arjuna got the same fate lastly Yudhisthira himself went and found such condition of brothers . He waited admonition form drinking water after listening similar. He gave the answers of all questions asked by Yaksha until Yaksha became pleased . He promised to restore one of the brothers . For that Yudhisthira preferred Nakala with much pleasing reason. So Yaksha being happy restore all his brothers and gave blessing for easy and comfortable life of remaining exiled period.


This  story is taken from Mahabharata . The righteousness of Yudhisthira is the central point of this story. It focuses on wisdom; patience and loyalty to God are great human qualities . If we conduct any work rightly that has creative result . The story seems to tall that we must be faithful and honest on our work . If we have selfish and careless attitude , that ruins our personality in particular and humanity in general . Again , the reasonable and philosophical answers of the questions given by Yudhisthira can be knowledgeable. The due respect and love to the brother becomes another important meaning of this story.

Critical Thinking :
The charming table of Mahabharata seems to be philosophical and knowledge to any reader . Despite of its morality and simplicity of language there are some contradictory points in this story. At present, there is a question over the existence of God . Some disagreeing points can be given asking question like : ( a ) can we see Yaksha in our life ? ( b) can sun shine with God ’s power? ( c) Do god exist really? (d ) Is it true having less anger means being happy ? Etc . Still we can learn many more philosophy from this story.

Assimilation :
Reading this text gave me new awareness. To be true human , we must have wisdom and righteousness . We learn that we should forsake pride , anger, desires , etc . to be happy and satisfied in our life . I have learnt to change myself changing my thinking as well.

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